Hello, I’m Jarvin

A machine learning & data engineer and all around technologist.

Passionate, analytical, innovative and creative. MSc Computing Science graduate from the University of Groningen. When I am not on my computer jumping from a code editor to YouTube to Stack Overflow to Spotify, I am out in the world exploring sites, nature and food with friends.

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ML Versioning with MLflow

As machine learning is moving towards automated and streamlined tasks and processes, it is crucial to keep track of all the multiple runs, metrics and versions of the models. Version...

Association Rule Mining

Association rule mining is the basis for pattern recognition within multiple applications to find frequent relations, causal structures or correlations between occurrences of data. C...

Financial Time series Analysis

Exploring the possibility to predict financial market prices with regression techniques Financial time series analysis is a complex and active research field surrounding the ability...

Locality Sensitive Hashing

Hashing based technique for Nearest neighbor search Nearest neighbor search is a popular phenomenon for finding the most similar data example to a given query. Similar to K-nearest ...